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Fall Knockout Roses Painting by Elizabeth Reich

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Comments (15)

Saving Memories By Making Memories

Saving Memories By Making Memories

Lovely roses

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Saving Memories.

Sharon W

Sharon W

So very beautiful!!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Sharon.

Nancy Griswold

Nancy Griswold

Such a lovely arrangement ad brushwork in the floral watercolor, fine work Elizabeth

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you this thoughtful compliment Nancy, you made my day.

Antonis Meintanis

Antonis Meintanis

Wonderful painting artwork !! very beautiful colors !!πŸ‘ πŸ‘ŒBest and creative wishes !πŸ‘ŒfavπŸ‘Œ

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you for these kind words, they made my day Antonis.

Christopher James

Christopher James

Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group ..... Feel free to place your featured image in the Features Archive and any Genre specific Archive l/f/p

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you for the kind compliment, feature in your group, and continued support Christopher.

Amy Wetmore

Amy Wetmore

Beautiful watercolor!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Amy.

Mike Lee

Mike Lee

Beautiful work, Elizabeth!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Mike.

Alinna Lee

Alinna Lee

Lovely watercolor painting.

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Alinna.

Marine B Rosemary

Marine B Rosemary

Wonderful work!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Marine.

Eddie Eastwood

Eddie Eastwood

Beautiful painting!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Eddie.

Laura's Creations

Laura's Creations

Simply beautiful LF

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Laura.

Marian Bell

Marian Bell

Delightful piece of art! LF

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Marian.

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll

Beautiful work

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Joan.

Jurgen Lorenzen

Jurgen Lorenzen

Wonderful Rose watercolor portrait, Elizabeth!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Jurgen.

Maria Faria Rodrigues

Maria Faria Rodrigues

Congratulations, on your amazing floral image, Featured, in BIRTH MONTH FLOWERS, homepage group, of Fine Art America, for the month, of June!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you for the feature and kind comment Maria.

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Fall Knockout Roses by Elizabeth Reich
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