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Daffodils in the Woods Painting by Elizabeth Reich

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Comments (54)

Leslie Reagan

Leslie Reagan 14 Days Ago

Beautiful creative watercolor painting Elizabeth :)

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you kindly Leslie.

Renata Natale

Renata Natale 27 Days Ago

So lovely, a true sign of spring when you see them growing wild

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Renata, their sunny yellow faces are indeed a warm welcome to spring.

Hanne Lore Koehler

Hanne Lore Koehler

Gorgeous daffodils watercolor, Elizabeth! L/F

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you kindly Hanne.

Ruth Digital  vision

Ruth Digital vision

Daffodils make me cheerful! Beautiful art!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Sunny yellow is a cheerful color. Thank you for visiting and kind compliment Ruth.

Jurgen Lorenzen

Jurgen Lorenzen

Wonderful Daffodil art, Elizabeth!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you kindly Jurgen.

Sharon W

Sharon W

Revisiting your beautiful daffodils!!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you for the revisit and compliment Sharon.

Ruth Digital  vision

Ruth Digital vision

Remarkable watercolor full of vivacity and youth!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you kindly Ruth.

Antonis Meintanis

Antonis Meintanis

Revisiting this wonderful artwork!!👍 favvvv👌Best and creative wishes !👌👌

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you for the revisit and kind words Antonis.

Brenda Hill

Brenda Hill

These are lovely!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Brenda.

Kerstin Epifanio

Kerstin Epifanio

Beautiful springtime artwork!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you kindly Kerstin.

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Spectacular Daffodils in the Woods composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! Congratulations on being the Featured Artist of the Week! F/L

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you for your kind words and support Gary.

Bernadette Krupa

Bernadette Krupa

Congratulations, Elizabeth, the Artist of the Week 135 - March 3 - 9, 2024 in the 1,000 Views on 1 Image Group! L/F

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you kindly Bernadette.

Allison Griffin

Allison Griffin

Cheerful and welcoming Spring painting, Elizabeth! L/F

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Allison for your support and kind compliment.

Anne Gifford

Anne Gifford

Congratulations on your BW group special feature! I really like how the stony blue background melts into a soft green.

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Anne, definitely feeling honored by the feature. Liking how you describe the background.

Christopher James

Christopher James

Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group ..... Feel free to place your featured image in the Features Archive and any Genre specific Archive l/f/p

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Christopher, for the kind words and the honor of a feature in your group 1000 Views on 1 Image.

Carlin Blahnik CarlinArtWatercolor

Carlin Blahnik CarlinArtWatercolor

CONGRATULATIONS on your “Weekly Spotlight Artist” feature in the Beautiful Watercolors group, Elizabeth :)

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Carlin.

Angela Davies

Angela Davies

Congrats on Weekly Spotlight Artist feature in BW! Beautiful work LF

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you and thank you for the kind words and your support Angela.

Taphath Foose

Taphath Foose

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS, Elizabeth, on being chosen again as the “Weekly Spotlight Artist” in the Beautiful Watercolors group!!! 😊

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you for this honor Taphath.

Zina Stromberg

Zina Stromberg

Beautiful daffodils art, Elizabeth! Lf

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you for your kind words and support Zina.

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten

Lovely. L/F/P

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you for your continued support and kind words Lisa.

Eckart Mayer Photography

Eckart Mayer Photography

Awesome piece of art

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you for the kind compliment Eckart.

Marine B Rosemary

Marine B Rosemary

Beautiful work

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Marine.

Ann Pride

Ann Pride

Revisiting your lovely work Elizabeth

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you for the revisit and kind words Ann.

Sandi Kroll

Sandi Kroll

Lovely work

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Sandi.

Ann Pride

Ann Pride

Beautiful work of art Elizabeth

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Ann.

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Daffodils in the Woods by Elizabeth Reich
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