Ginkgo Fall Sun

by Elizabeth Reich
Ginkgo Fall Sun
Elizabeth Reich
Painting - Watercolor On Cotton Paper
This painting was inspired by a neighbor's Ginkgo Tree as its leaves yellowed in the fall, and would blow in the breeze, and the leaves would just meander towards the road and sidewalk to settle there. Professional grade, transparent to semi-transparent, watercolor paints used for hand-painted original artwork.
June 9th, 2020
Similar Subjects
Comments (22)

Karen Adams
So fresh and delicate and filled with a sense of freedom and joy! . . .f/l
Elizabeth Reich replied:
Thank you for sharing what you felt fro0m this painting, your support and kind words made my day Karen.

Anne Gifford
I love how you have put the emphasis on the more focused leaves in the front, while the others seem to trail off with less detail. Nicely done!!

Deana Markus
I love Ginkgo leaves. This is gorgeous! L F
Elizabeth Reich replied:
Ginkgo leaves are wonderfully unique. Thank you for your kind words and support Deana.