Indigo Daisy Flower

by Elizabeth Reich
Indigo Daisy Flower
Elizabeth Reich
Painting - Watercolor On Cotton Paper
Daisy flower on indigo background inspired by an art prompt--monochromatic. Some African Daisies (osteosperum) have a deep blue center, some images gave the impression of petals being kissed with blue. Original was handpainted with watercolors.
Visit the patterns collection for checkered versions of this painting.
Featured in FAA Groups:
Beautiful Watercolors
Birth Month Flowers
1000 Images on 1 View (5.21.24 Nominated for a Special Feature)
Interpreting discoveries in nature with watercolors, aka colorful puddles, since 2014;
Inspired by the outdoors and flower gardens. Ready to bring the outdoors inside? Available for your living space and your on-the-go day with wall art prints, home decor, and unique gifts. Designed around my colorful, painterly, watercolor creations.
Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest handles are: lzbth creative
All copyrights and reproduction rights are retained by artist Elizabeth Reich dba LZBTH Creative Content. This artwork may not be reproduced by any process without the expressed written permission of the artist.
April 18th, 2023
Similar Subjects
Comments (26)

Marvin Anthony Designs
Delightful Elizabeth:) You have an imaginative power and a unique vision. "Inspiring"
Elizabeth Reich replied:
Thank you, I appreciate this compliment Marvin, and you taking the time to express it.

Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 Views on One Image Group's Special Features Nominations For Promotion #28 . Please help your fellow artists by visiting and passing on the love to another artist in the the 1000 Views on One Image Group....L/F

Laurel Adams
Nominating to special thread of distinction #28 in 1,000 Views, Elizabeth. Many thanks and best to you.

Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group ..... Feel free to place your featured image in the Features Archive and any Genre specific Archive l/f/p
Elizabeth Reich replied:
Thank you for the compliment, feature in your group, and continued support Christopher.

Antonis Meintanis
Wonderful artwork !! very beautiful colour tones !!👍fav 👌Best and creative wishes !👌👌

Sharon W
Revisiting this super beautiful in blue dear Elizabeth! Stunning art!! I might be slow in catching up, as today is my husband's birthday, but I will see you again by tomorrow for sure!!

Sharon W
This is just so pretty Elizabeth! Something about blue flowers always get to me. Fantastic art!!