Moon Phases Ring Pattern on Night Sky, Summer Stargazing

by Elizabeth Reich
Moon Phases Ring Pattern on Night Sky, Summer Stargazing
Elizabeth Reich
Mixed Media - Mixed Media Watercolor Pattern Design
For this artwork the wondrous Neocolor II water-soluble wax pastels were brought out to add texture to the watercolor. The best stargazing happens with just moonlight, a quick gaze at the moon, and guessing what shapes one sees.
Once the single ring of moon phases was created it was brought into Photoshop to develop into a pattern. Patterns are perfect for many home decor items, especially duvet covers and blankets that are ready for cooler Fall nights or even colder Winter evenings.
August 16th, 2023
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Comments (7)

Tina M Powell
Elizabeth really eye catching and beautiful work! Unique creation! L/F
Elizabeth Reich replied:
Thank you, your compliment and support mean the world and made my day Tina.