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Whimsical Chameleon Painting by Elizabeth Reich

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Comments (4)

Sharon W

Sharon W

Revisiting your wonderful art dear Elizabeth!!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you for the revisit and compliment Sharon.

Sharon W

Sharon W

Amazing, love this!!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you so much Sharon.

Mike Nahorniak

Mike Nahorniak

This guy has quite the disappearing act; most excellent Elizabeth! F/V/Tweet & folloW!

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you for this kind compliment and support.

Lois Churchward

Lois Churchward

Wonderful idea, and painting. You don't see many pictures of Chameleons.

Elizabeth Reich replied:

Thank you Lois, and no you don't see to many Chameleons in the art world.

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Whimsical Chameleon by Elizabeth Reich
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